Jodi Akst Jodi Akst

Meeting Needs

Read how Leadwell is meeting the needs of our clients so that they can reach their desired impact.

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Christina Patrick Christina Patrick


Leadwell offers an approach for decision-making. Values + Data + Intuition = Path Forward

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Jodi Akst Jodi Akst

When "No" is The Right Answer

Sometimes the answer is "No". When The Leadwell Group (Leadwell) does Growth Planning work, our only agenda is to do work that results in what is best for the organization. Sometimes that means the answer to the question of should we grow is "No".

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Jodi Akst Jodi Akst

Inspired professionally and personally

Most days when I work, I am driven by providing all children with access to the opportunities my kids are privileged to have. When I work with Beacon, I am driven by providing my child with what Beacon students have.

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