What I Learned in 2023

We co-founded Leadwell one year ago. What have I learned (or relearned) in the last year?

Community matters. When we designed the Leadwell Accelerator, we knew that community mattered. We designed the curriculum to be grounded in equity, to be experiential, and to build relationships. I’ve re-learned something, seeing over 100 leaders from Detroit Public Schools Community District, District of Columbia Public Schools, Columbus Public Schools, and Learning Forward conference participants engage with Leadwell Accelerator content. Creating an authentic space to build trust and collaborate with peers is just as important as learning and applying leadership tools and frameworks. In sessions, I heard peers grapple with systemic inequities and encourage one another to make change within their teams. I saw individuals enter a Leadwell Accelerator workshop disheartened and frustrated, leaving the space with energy and hope. I saw people commit to actions and mindset shifts like the one you see in the sticky note above.

In 2024, we’ll keep centering trust as we offer the Leadwell Accelerator to districts and mission-driven organizations. We’ll also offer our district partners people-first strategic planning partnership and leadership development as they navigate the complexities of the funding cliff. A human-centered approach to leadership is needed when faced with having to maintain or do more with less. 

How we partner matters. Imagine the difference. After months of work, a consultant unveils a beautifully-formatted PowerPoint of strategic priorities and timelines for growth. It is jarring for staff to see - let alone internalize and actualize. The strategic plan kicks off intensive work to socialize the concepts and restore culture that was shaken in the plan’s delivery. The moment I partnered with Jodi Akst on my first Leadwell growth strategy project, I knew we were doing something very different. We place people at the center - honoring what staff, students, families, and board members know about their strengths and needs. We couple rigorous cost modeling and data analysis with powerful questions and deep listening. We create decision making frameworks so that our partners not only answer what growth looks like now, but what it might look like in future years. Here’s how our clients talk about us. Growth & strategic plans are intuitive when the process to create them is strong. 

I’m a better partner because I am a coach. This year, I completed intermediate coaching coursework and started my coaching certification program – an accreditation that Jodi already holds. Coaching is the ultimate personalized professional development. The entire focus is on you: who you are now, the impact you aspire to have, the way you want to be. Stepping fully into my work as a coach has made me a better partner in all of our consulting partnerships. I am a better questioner and listener. I am more aware of what matters most. I see the wisdom and strengths of my clients. 

The hardest decision we’ve had to make so far at Leadwell was deciding on our firm name (you should see our messy brainstorming document!). As I reflect back on the year, I am struck by the ease in other elements of our launch - defining our core values, identifying the work we do, and building the relationships we want to hold with our clients. I can’t wait to keep learning and growing alongside you in 2024. 


Valuing Others 


Values Based Leadership