Values Based Leadership

I am not going to be political, and I don't begin to purport any level of expertise about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and the current war in Israel. I am a Jewish American, and my Judaism is important to me. My son, Adam, became a Bar Mitzvah on October 14. This was one week after Hamas attacked Israel.  The weight of Jews being murdered is heavy for all, and for us hits so close to home. My husband's grandparents were holocaust survivors and my husband is a first generation American on his father's side. His father was born in a displaced persons camp in Germany. How can we be back here, again? It's scary, and heartbreaking, and all the other emotions that come with tragedy.

I write about this because we were given a gift. The day before Adam's bar mitzvah our Rabbi called us. She called to see how we were doing and to share her thoughts on how she wanted to approach the dichotomy of the crisis in Israel and the milestone of the bar mitzvah. She asked us how our extended family was doing, and how we'd want to handle the situation. Then the gift came... She gave us permission to be joyous and to be present. She shared that Jews have leaned on tradition for thousands of years as they've experienced hardship after hardship. She encouraged us to celebrate Adam fully, and to not let the war in Israel take away from this experience which we only get once with our child. 

Our Rabbi exhibited the type of leadership we value at The Leadwell Group. She led with heart and compassion. She demonstrated an awareness of the complexities of the time yet made it simple- you should feel joy, you should celebrate, you should allow yourself to be in this moment. It was values based, and it was perfect. Great leadership is so important.

To all who are hurting, we hope you have leaders in your life who align with your values and who give you permission to be present and to do what is right for you.

In partnership,

Jodi (and Christina)


What I Learned in 2023


When "No" is The Right Answer