
Why Coaching?

Executive Coaching. You’ve excelled in your career and are in an executive role. It can be lonely at the top. Executive coaching gives you time and space to focus on being the best leader you can be and grapple with the questions many leaders have. How do I level up and lead at a different altitude? What do I hold onto and what do I let go of? What might it look like to co-create a highly effective executive team? Who do I want to be as a leader? Leadwell will partner with you to explore these, and other, questions. Executive coaching can help you define your leadership vision, grow your skills, and meet your goals.

Leadership coaching. You’re at an inflection point, and you want a space dedicated to your growth as a leader. You may be looking to grow specific leadership skills, for example: leading teams, influencing others, change management. You may be seeking clarity on your next best career steps, in order to fully live your values and leverage your strengths. You may be eager to advance in your career. Leadwell has a track record of developing team members who were promoted quickly and successfully. With our brand of honest and heartfelt support, we empower you to take big risks, maximize impact, and grow.

Explore Coaching


    Schedule a free coaching consultation to experience our coaching styles, share what matters to you, and learn more. Find out what a customized coaching engagement could look like to meet your goals - with details on logistics, pricing, and what to expect from Leadwell coaching.


    Executive Coaching clients may opt to start their engagement with a 360 Leadership Assessment. As with all of Leadwell's engagements, we customize our approach for each client. We use a qualitative interviewing approach, create a comprehensive written report, and debrief the results with you. Together, we use the results to create a Goals & Growth Plan to anchor the coaching engagement.


    We design coaching engagements to meet your needs - in terms of goals, length of engagement, number of sessions, and frequency of sessions. We frequently offer a six (6) month coaching engagement with twelve (12) coaching sessions, including:

    Foundation session: During this first session, we design our coaching relationship and explore your values

    Ten (10) coaching sessions

    Completion session: In this session, we close out our work together, celebrating your progress and exploring what’s next 

    Leadwell will propose a customized engagement - that may vary in terms of number of sessions/length of engagement - based on your needs and preferences. All coaching clients have the ability to schedule 15-minute accountability or skills check-ins between coaching sessions, and have access to their Leadwell coach through texts or emails with a 48 hour turnaround.

Group Coaching

  • How might we enhance education and youth development ecosystems throughout California? In 2022, City Year launched a first of its kind Student Success Learning Network (SSC Learning Network) with this bold aspiration. The SSC Learning Network sought to advance educational equity in California by convening existing and emerging Student Success Coach (SSC) AmeriCorps programs in order to build community, collaboratively learn, and enhance and grow the field of Student Success Coach programs. Student Success Coaches integrate into K-12 school communities and collaborate with teachers to provide holistic support, mentorship, and tutoring for diverse students in historically under-resourced communities. The SSC Learning Network was composed of eight organizations: Bay Area Youth Agency Consortium (BAYAC), City Year (Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Jose), Safe Passages/Elev8, Equality California, Healthy Choices AmeriCorps, Improve Your Tomorrow, Building Community Changing Lives, and Promoting Achievement and Student Success (PASS). Participants gained access to training and technical assistance, participated in group and individual learning, and built a collective action movement. 

    Leadwell designed and facilitated personalized learning experiences. Over the course of two years, SSC Learning Network participants convened in-person and virtually to share their expertise and to learn from experts in the field. City Year partnered with Christina Patrick, Leadwell Co-Founder, to serve as an Implementation Coach. The objectives of implementation coaching were to:

    1. Support the SSC Learning Network partners in co-designing implementation strategies to support program needs

    2. Gain access to effective practices and practical tools to support students and student success coaches

    3. Address program challenges and share practices  

    Christina facilitated group coaching sessions (in person and virtually), utilizing peer learning protocols, promoting resource-sharing, and building community. Participants formed trusting relationships with one another, were highly-engaged in each session, and left each session with tactical ideas to try.

    In Relationship. We know that the best work happens with trust, collaboration, and diversity of perspectives. This is one of Leadwell’s core values, and it was a core theme to this partnership. Over the course of this two year project, Christina showed up with authenticity and care for the City Year design team and for the eight organizations in the SSC Learning Network. City Year clients shared: 

    “Working with Leadwell, especially with Christina, has consistently been a joy. Christina’s remarkable adaptability to evolving project needs, coupled with her unwavering dedication to ensuring both project goals and partner needs are met, sets her apart. Her person-centered coaching approach not only fosters a predictive work environment but also cultivates genuine collaboration and success among project stakeholders. Whether it’s a project that requires building the plane as it flies, landing the plane, or simply getting the passengers on board, Christina is the perfect partner.” 

  • Leadwell provides group coaching to Leadership Teams. Leadwell designs coaching experiences for Learning Networks. Contact us to explore how we might design a group coaching program to meet your needs.

What Our Clients Say