When "No" is The Right Answer

Sometimes the answer is "No". When The Leadwell Group (Leadwell) does Growth Planning work, our only agenda is to do work that results in what is best for the organization. Sometimes that means the answer to the question of should we grow is "No".  This was the case for a recent client. We haven't shared the final report from this project with the Board and staff, yet, so I will leave it at that for now. What I want to share though is that "No" to the question of should we grow is as right of an answer as "Yes".  No to growing now can mean success for an organization for years to come.

Our approach to Growth Planning work is steeped in a process in which we listen closely to hear what is said directly and between the lines. It is to dig into data whether qualitative interview and focus group data, or quantitative financial data.  It is to understand the entirety of an organization's business model and impact model.  In the case of this particular client, the data pointed us to six core criteria that need to be met for growth to make sense. We created a rubric (i.e., Decision-Making Framework) to access each criterion. The answer was clear. Now is not the time to grow. The client found clarity in this decision and is now equipped with the Decision-Making Framework to use as often as they'd like to assess readiness for growth in the future.

Typically when an organization engages with us for Growth Planning, they want to grow, and they want to know how to do so in a smart, financially sustainable way. A Growth Strategy is often the result. Here's the thing, though: When growing would jeopardize an organization, it's not the right decision. 

At Leadwell, we are not afraid of "No". No can be strong, and brave, and smart, and freeing for our clients. 

As the summer winds down, and students return to school, Leadwell wishes all our K-12 clients and organizations supporting youth directly or indirectly, a great school year. 

Jodi (and Christina)

P.S. This work is a passion of ours. If you or an organization you know is looking for support around growth, we'd love to talk.


Values Based Leadership


From weakness to strength