$2.2 billion a year is a lot of money

It’s a bigger number than I can wrap my mind around. Richard Ingersoll’s research estimates that this is the cost to districts every year for teacher turnover. Teachers leave for lots of reasons. Frustration with administration and policies is one of the top reasons - right behind personal reasons. 

District central offices exist in service of students and schools. Talented people work in district central offices — dedicated community members, high-performing principals, experienced former teachers, leaders inspired to do well by students. We fail to invest in their potential. Too often, central office staff are overlooked and under (not) invested in. How can we transform central office culture and practices to best serve students, families, and schools if we do not take care of the people there? How can we retain teachers without paying attention to the central office systems that support their work? 

A small investment in central office professional learning can influence teacher retention. 

Leadwell has partnered with Detroit Public Schools Community District, D.C. Public Schools, Columbus Public Schools - as well as mission-driven organizations outside of the education sector - to integrate the Leadwell Accelerator as a critical development and retention strategy. When central office staff feel valued, build community, and grow their skills - the impact will be felt by educators. Thriving systems promote thriving schools and thriving students. 

"This program was simply amazing. It provided hands-on and directly applicable strategies for my everyday interactions with my team. I am leaving today with more confidence and optimism with my abilities and potential growth in leadership positions." -Leadwell Accelerator participant 

I still can’t wrap my mind around that $2.2 billion per year statistic. It helps me when I see individuals and their stories. I think of two specific people who participated in the Leadwell Accelerator. They each brought their own identities, lived experiences, and strengths to the experience. They worked in two different systems. What they had in common is that they entered the Leadwell Accelerator burnt out and frustrated. By their own admission, they were thinking about leaving. They were, in HR speak, “retention risks.” We heard and saw the shift in their mindset and engagement. Upon completing the program, they spoke to their renewed hope and energy. The Leadwell Accelerator was a key reason for why they chose to stay in their organizations. The fact that they stayed -- and that they are using new management tools with deepened leadership skills -- matters for the schools and children they support. 

$2.2 billion a year is a lot of money to spend. Making the relatively small investment in the Leadwell Accelerator has big returns for how central offices function. This matters for teacher retention. This matters for those two individuals that we had the privilege to meet and who continue to make an impact.

Work in a District? Bring the Leadwell Accelerator to your team. A small investment in central office professional learning will improve teacher retention. 

Spread the word. Share this with people you know who are district leaders. Help them solve their teacher retention challenges.



Meeting Needs