What Do You Need?


A message from Jodi

Jodi Akst Coaching (JAC) officially launched (quietly) in April. I mean, think back to April. If you're like me, I wasn't sure what day it was or what tomorrow would bring. I certainly didn't have it in me to launch loudly! We're now rounding the corner towards the end of 2020, a year that will have a lasting impact on all of us in ways we can't even imagine, yet.

It's September, a time of new beginnings for many. It is the start of the school year, and for those who practice Judaism, it's our new year. L'shana Tova. 

During times of "new" and change, you see people's capabilities. I'm watching my kids muster up every ounce of their patience and desire to learn to make it through "zoom" school. I'm watching my colleagues in the education sector who run schools, school districts and many of the organizations who support schools and districts lead with love, grace and unrelenting drive when it feels like the world could not be making their lives any harder, or expecting more of them. I'm watching my coaching colleagues learn all they can about being amazing coaches because as we want is to make people's lives better. I'm watching my husband come home from the grueling life of being a doctor in 2020 and turn his attention immediately to how he can be the Dad his kids need right now, and the partner who keeps me going! Lastly, through JAC, I'm seeing my clients set BIG goals, show up wholly to conquer challenges, bounce back after set-backs, and reach goals with a gusto to get after the next one immediately.

As we near the last quarter of 2020 (which can't end too quickly) may you take time to reflect on what capabilities you're seeing in the people around you and within yourself. Even when days feel long, and "normal" feels like a fleeting concept, people are AMAZING!! 

What do you need and can I help?

Wishing you success this month!


P.S. Below are some updates about JAC.  I'd love to hear from you. What's on your mind? What do you need?

Individual Coaching

Here is what some of my current clients are saying about my coaching:

"You encourage and assist me to think through the issues/problems/perspectives that have contributed to my lack of success or failure to excel. Having your feedback and willingness to explore these challenges in a different way than previously attempted enables me to work and manage life more effectively."

"I appreciate that we work with a sense of urgency; we have a goal. I appreciate that Jodi takes time to ask what I want as that is a constant reminder that this is my agenda and I will get from it what I put out there."

"Jodi takes the stress out of hiring a coach and puts together a consistent plan to help you meet your goals. But you aren't off the hook, Jodi will challenge you and hold you accountable so you truly become the person you want to be."

Work within Organizations

JAC is available for customized coaching within your company or organization. We are also offering a program called Excel Faster focused on coaching people in new roles whether they are new hires, recently promoted or  shifting their current responsibilities. The objectives of this program are for people to be more effective in their new roles faster while feeling valued and supported by your organization. 


When George Floyd was murdered and I saw the country wake up to racism like never before, I knew I wanted to do something. When I conceived of running a program that I named Moving Past Uncomfortable to Action: Finding Your Role in the Anti-Racism Movement, I hoped it would be spark change in the participants.  Here's what they said about their experience.

"This program was outstanding. Jodi Akst provided a safe and challenging forum in which to explore one's own biases and confront one's own discomfort while learning from the materials she curated and also from the other participants in this program. This was hard work, but not a burden, given the supportive coaching environment and partnership that Jodi provided. This program gave me new information and deep insights and also loaded my personal toolkit with new and sharpened skills to transform my thoughts and sentiments about anti-racist work into actual, manageable, and influential action. The phrase that comes to mind is "be the change you want to see in the world." Jodi Akst empowers people to do just that."

“I think that one of the most important ingredients of a program of this nature is the moderator. Jodi was so well prepared, great perspectives and seemed to be able to respond to anything that came up during each session. I don't think one can learn that in books. It's a special talent.”

“One of the most important sentiments that I learned from this program almost from the very start was that there is more to racism than I ever knew. The program pointed that out to me and directed me in ways to gain more knowledge about racism and what it really is and where and how it began. You need to understand that to be able to try and change it.”


Choose Excitement over Fear


It’s All About You