It’s All About You

Exploring What's Next? It's Your Agenda

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Are you exploring what's next for you in your career? A personal coaching client recently said, "I appreciate that we work with a sense of urgency; we have a goal. I appreciate that Jodi takes time to ask what I want as that is a constant reminder that this is my agenda and I will get from it what I put out there." We can help you get clear on what's next for you. 

Are You in a New Role or Need to Work Differently?


So much is new and different right now. Are you in a new role or finding that you need to work in a new way? We work with clients to move past the newness, ambiguity or uncertainty of a role, and gain the skills necessary to succeed!

Are you working remotely?


With over 17 years managing large teams, and millions of dollars of work remotely, we can help you get results while working virtually.

Are you an anti-racist?


Join a small learning community to explore what it means to be an anti-racist.  Explore who you can be as a White leader in the fight for equity, and what role you can play in the anti-racism movement.

The first cohort sold out.


What Do You Need?