Choose Excitement over Fear

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A note from Jodi...

I dropped my 4th grade son off AT school Monday morning for the first time since March 13. It's a new school for him, and he amazed me. He was so excited to go to school that he didn't have time to worry.  I was more worried than him and found myself prepping him during our drive. "If you don't know where to go, you can always ask someone." When we got to school, without knowing where to go exactly, and never having been in the school building, he leaped out of the car and trusted the adult who was showing him the way. There are so many lessons to learn from how he handled himself. 1) Embrace the excitement of what's possible over the fear of the unknown. 2) You are resourceful, and when needed you can ask for help. 3) There are lots of people who will show you the way. 4) You know who to trust, including yourself. 5) There are really cool people to meet in all situations if you're open to them. 

My hope for you this month is that you will chose excitement over fear, find and cherish those people who will show you the way, and trust yourself as your most important champion.

I have a few slots open for new individual clients. (Organizational clients see below for information about our Excel  Faster program. We are actively partnering with organizations now.)

I'd love to hear from you. What are you focused on this month?


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Excel Faster Program for Organizations

Do you want employees to be more successful in their new jobs faster? We are offering the Excel Faster Program to support hiring managers and employees during the onboarding process.

What YOU do 

  • Provide content and context for new role

  • Set work priorities for first 30, 60, 90 days

  • Acclimate employee to team and organizational culture

  • Focus on work outcomes

What WE do

  • Empower strengths

  • Skill-build

  • Overcome barriers

  • Coach the whole person

This program is for up to 3 leaders in new roles at your organization. Can we help ensure the success of your employees?

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Professional Coaching

A client who works at one of the largest medical device companies in the world successfully navigated the politics and upheaval of a major reorganization of her business unit. She positioned herself as invaluable up and down the management lines, and formed a stronger relationship with the General Manager through the process. 

What are you navigating at work? What outcome can  we help you achieve?

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Individual Coaching

At 40 years old, one of my clients signed up to take the officers exam to join the military. I am so inspired by her and her growth during our six month coaching engagement. She is ready to live out this dream.

What have you always wanted to do? What’s holding you back? Can I help?


What Mark Do You Want to Make?


What Do You Need?