What's on my mind

The first quarter of 2021 is just about over. In many ways it still feels like 2020 and in others we're onto something new and hopefully better. As I think about this last quarter and what's ahead for us this year, here's what's on my mind. 

  • Jodi Akst Coaching is becoming more and more about helping organizations and individuals grow. We're on the cusp of helping some really great organizations scale their impact and influence, and working with executives who find themselves leading bigger teams and a larger scope of work due to growth of their organization.

  • I REALLY hope the K-12 sector gets the implementation of learning loss strategies, programs and initiatives right. With almost $25B going towards combating learning loss there is much opportunity to make real change. I was the founding Partner for a Resource Allocation business at TNTP. The core question we set out to answer was how can schools and districts best use people and their time to get the best outcomes for kids. When I think about how to best use the Relief Act money allocated for learning loss, I'd push all the amazing leaders in the K-12 education sector to be thinking about how to redesign the in-school time for students as their first priority before creating programs for out-of-school time that will be hard for most families to access. Let's not go back to the status-quo of what school looks like. Let's get creative!

  • Integrity matters, a lot. As I get more involved in the coaching industry, I'm seeing a trend of coaches being taught to sell by saying they're not selling. "No, I won't pitch work to your referral. I just want to meet some new people." UGH. I believe in being honest. If I want to work with you or have something to offer you, I will tell you! I won't pretend otherwise. I'm building a business. Let's be honest, you know this newsletter is to remind you that I'm coaching and consulting. Let's call it as it is! (If I ever cross a line with you and you feel I'm being pushy or inauthentic- please tell me. I'd hate to not know. Please unsubscribe if you don't want to receive these newsletters.)

In the coming weeks many of you will be celebrating major holidays.  Happy Passover, Happy Easter and Ramadan Mubarak.


P.S. What's on your mind? I love hearing about what you're thinking about.


What are you re-thinking?


How Jodi Akst Coaching Supports Leaders and Organizations